the Vision

Living and Leading the Way of Christ.


This retreat is for exhausted spiritual leaders who are looking for holy space, godly spiritual guidance, and new personal practices. Come all who are weary, and Christ will give us rest.

The invitation of Christ is to learn how to get swept up in God’s redemption of our lives and the life of the world. The Spirit accomplishes this work through grace, but we must actively choose to participate.

Many of us spiritual leaders spend so much time helping others participate, that we miss out on the fullness of the invitation. In an attempt to help our communities live “unforced rhythms of grace”, we accidentally stumble into “forced rhythms of stress”. But it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s been said that “The way we do anything is the way we do everything”, and Jesus Christ humbly invites us to baptize our entire lives—even the work of ministry—into God’s deep streams of Life. We don’t have to choose between our ministries and our souls.

And yet there is another reason for us to gather together. 

Many spiritual leaders we meet are looking for a new way to pastor and serve their people, especially in these incredibly divided times. The old church models seem to be crumbling under the weight of a new and messy world, and many of us are exploring new forms of worship, formation, and reconciliation. For some, this looks very ancient and historic; for others, this looks risky and innovative. For most it's a dynamic combination of the two. But none of us have figured it all out.

This retreat is for spiritual leaders who want to move into different and deeper streams of worship, formation, and reconciliation. Come all who are humble to learn, and bold enough to share what you’ve learned, and Christ will lead us to serve our communities even better.